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Concurrent Code Execution

Code statements that are independent of each other can be written to execute concurrently. You can use the InvokeInParallel method from the Utilities class to allow separate lines of code to execute concurrently, such as performing operations on pins of different instrument types at the same time.


This method uses the Parallel.Invoke method to execute multiple methods in parallel, and can be invoked in the exact same way. However, it also wraps the Parallel.Invoke method in a try-catch statement. So, if exceptions occur, only the first exception will be returned to the caller. This allows the exception to bubble up and display properly in the TestStand runtime error dialog.

Class: Utilities
Namespace: NationalInstruments.SemiconductorTestLibrary.Common
Assembly: NationalInstruments.SemiconductorTestLibrary.Abstractions.dll

The following example demonstrates how to use the InvokeInParallel method from the Utilities class:

public static void ConcurrentCodeExample(ISemiconductorModuleContext semiconductorModuleContext, string pinNames)
    var sessionManager = new TSMSessionManager(semiconductorModuleContext);
    var publishDataID = "Measurement";
    var filteredPinNamesDmm = semiconductorModuleContext.FilterPinsByInstrumentType(pinNames, InstrumentTypeIdConstants.NIDmm);
    var filteredPinNamesPpmu = semiconductorModuleContext.FilterPinsByInstrumentType(pinNames, InstrumentTypeIdConstants.NIDigitalPattern);
    var filteredPinNamesSmu = semiconductorModuleContext.FilterPinsByInstrumentType(pinNames, InstrumentTypeIdConstants.NIDCPower);
    var ppmuPins = sessionManager.DCPower(filteredPinNamesSmu);
    var smuPins = sessionManager.Digital(filteredPinNamesPpmu);
    var dmmPins = sessionManager.DMM(filteredPinNamesPpmu);

    // Assumes that the instrumentation is already configured.
        () => ppmuPins.MeasureAndPublishCurrent(publishDataID),
        () => smuPins.MeasureAndPublishCurrent(publishDataID),
        () =>
            var measurements = dmmPins.Read(maximumTimeInMilliseconds: 2000);
            semiconductorModuleContext.PublishResults(measurements, publishDataID);