Table of Contents

Supported Instrument Types

The Semiconductor Test Library supports the core set of modular instruments commonly used within the NI Semiconductor Test System (STS). Refer to the following table for the instrument types currently supported by the library.

Table 1: Supported Instrument Types

Instrument Type Driver Abstractions Extensions
NI Source Measurement Unit (SMU) niDCPower Supported Core Support
NI Programmable Power Supply (PPS) niDCPower Supported Core Support
NI Multifunction I/O (DAQ) * niDAQmx Supported Limited Support +
NI Sound and Vibration Module (DSA) * * niDAQmx Supported Limited Support ++
NI Digital Pattern Instrument (DPI/HSD) niDigital Supported Core Support
NI Digital Multimeter (DMM) niDmm Supported Core Support
NI Relay Module (RELAY) niSwitch Supported Core Support
NI Function Generator (FGEN) niFgen Supported Not Yet Supported
NI Digitizer/Oscilloscope (SCOPE) niScope Supported Not Yet Supported
NI Timing Synchronization Module (SYNC) niSync Supported Not Yet Supported

Core Support: Only the core functionality to use the instrument is supported, and some advanced features are not yet exposed with a high-level Extension method. Refer to the documentation to learn how to interact with the lower-level driver APIs using the provided Abstraction methods.

Limited Support: Only the most common use cases are implemented.

* Only PXIe-6368 devices are currently supported.

* * Only PXIe-4467/8 devices are currently supported.

+ Only Analog Input, Analog Output, Digital Input, and Digital Output task types are currently supported.

++ Only Analog Input, Analog Output, and Analog Output: Function Generation task types are supported.