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Data Abstraction

The Semiconductor Test Library provides Pin- and Site-Aware data types to simplify how you configure instrumentation and manage returned measurement results. The high-level extension methods both return and accept these types as input parameters. This abstracts your need to manage confusing array manipulations or translate between instrument- and channel-formatted data to pin- and site-formatted data. Basic math functions can also be operated on these types.

Pin- and Site-Aware Data Types

Namespace: NationalInstruments.SemiconductorTestLibrary.DataAbstraction

Defines an object containing values for one or more sites, where T can be passed as any data type.

This type is returned from methods in the Semiconductor Test Library where there may be a unique per-site value. This type can also be passed as an input parameter to some Semiconductor Test Library methods when there is a unique per-site value to operate with.

The SiteData object exposes basic methods for extracting a single site value or subset of values. Additionally, frequently used mathematical operations can be performed on a SiteData object for the most commonly used data types.


Refer to the API Reference for more details regarding the properties and methods exposed by the SiteData.

Find examples for using the SiteData object here on GitHub.

Namespace: NationalInstruments.SemiconductorTestLibrary.DataAbstraction

Defines an object containing values for one or more sites that are associated with a particular pin or set of pins, where T can be passed as any data type.

This type is returned from methods in the Semiconductor Test Library, such as measurement methods, where there may be a unique value for each pin, regardless of whether the value is the same across all sites and/or pins. This type can also be passed as an input parameter to some Semiconductor Test Library methods when there is a unique per-site, per-pin value to operate with.

The PinSiteData object exposes basic methods for extracting a single site value or subset of values. Additionally, frequently used mathematical operations can be performed on a PinSiteData object for the most commonly used data types.


Refer to the API Reference for more details regarding the properties and methods exposed by the PinSiteData.

Find examples for using the PinSiteData object here on GitHub.