Table of Contents

Class NISync


Wraps the NI-Sync C driver.

public class NISync
Inherited Members


NISync(string, bool, bool)

Creates a new NI-Sync instrument driver session.



Indicates the name of the NI-Sync device.



Ends an NI-Sync instrument driver session and frees the device for other operations.

ConnectClkTerminals(string, string)

Connects a source clock terminal to a destination clock terminal. A clock terminal connection is characterized by its source terminal and destination terminal.

ConnectSoftwareTrigger(string, SynchronizationClock, bool, UpdateEdge, double)

Connects the global software trigger to a destination trigger terminal. Once you connect the global software trigger, you can fire the trigger using SendSoftwareTrigger(string).

ConnectTriggerTerminals(string, string, SynchronizationClock, bool, UpdateEdge)

Routes triggers through the PXI backplane, between devices, or between multiple chassis. Once a terminal route is connected, you can invert the trigger signal at the destination terminal, synchronize the trigger to the rising or falling edge of a synchronization clock, fire the trigger asynchronously, or route the trigger to other trigger terminals. You can also route clocks along some trigger lines by setting a full speed or divided synchronization clock as the source terminal.

DisconnectClkTerminals(string, string)

Closes a route between a source clock terminal and a destination clock terminal.


Closes a route between the global software trigger and a destination trigger terminal.

DisconnectTriggerTerminals(string, string)

Closes a route between a source trigger terminal and a destination trigger terminal.


Resets the specified device. You can also reset a device before the program starts by using the reset device parameter of niSync Initialize.


Sends a trigger pulse using the global software trigger. You must first route the global software trigger to at least one destination terminal using ConnectSoftwareTrigger(string, string, string, int, int, double) for this operation to have any effect.