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Class PPMU


Defines methods for PPMU measurements.

public static class PPMU
Inherited Members


ConfigureApertureTime(DigitalSessionsBundle, double)

Configures the aperture time for the PPMU measurement.

DisconnectOutput(DigitalSessionsBundle, double?)

The pin is electrically disconnected from instrument functions.

Force(NIDigital, string, PPMUSettings)

Forces on digital devices.

ForceCurrent(DigitalSessionsBundle, IDictionary<string, PPMUSettings>)

Forces current on the target pin(s).

ForceCurrent(DigitalSessionsBundle, double, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?)

Forces current on the target pin(s) at the specified level. You must provide a current level value, and the method will assume all other properties that have been previously set. Optionally, you can also provide a specific voltage limit and current level range values directly.

ForceVoltage(DigitalSessionsBundle, PinSiteData<double>, double?, double?, double?)

Forces voltage on the target pin(s) at the specified level. You must provide the voltage level values, and the method will assume all other properties that have been previously set. Optionally, you can also provide a specific current limit, current limit range, and voltage level range values directly.

ForceVoltage(DigitalSessionsBundle, SiteData<double>, double?, double?, double?)

Forces voltage on the target pin(s) at the specified level. You must provide the voltage level values, and the method will assume all other properties that have been previously set. Optionally, you can also provide a specific current limit, current limit range, and voltage level range values directly.

ForceVoltage(DigitalSessionsBundle, IDictionary<string, PPMUSettings>)

Forces voltage on the target pin(s).

ForceVoltage(DigitalSessionsBundle, double, double?, double?, double?)

Forces voltage on the target pin(s) at the specified level. You must provide the voltage level value, and the method will assume all other properties that have been previously set. Optionally, you can also provide a specific current limit, current limit range, and voltage level range values directly.

Measure(DigitalSessionInformation, MeasurementType)

Measures on digital devices.

MeasureAndPublishCurrent(DigitalSessionsBundle, string)

Measures the current on the target pin(s) and immediately publishes the results using the publishedDataId passed in.

MeasureAndPublishCurrent(DigitalSessionsBundle, string, out double[][])

Measures the current on the target pin(s) and immediately publishes the results using the publishedDataId passed in.

MeasureAndPublishVoltage(DigitalSessionsBundle, string)

Measures the voltage on the target pin(s) and immediately publishes the results using the publishedDataId passed in.

MeasureAndPublishVoltage(DigitalSessionsBundle, string, out double[][])

Measures the voltage on the target pin(s) and immediately publishes the results using the publishedDataId passed in.

MeasureAndReturnPerInstrumentPerChannelResults(DigitalSessionsBundle, MeasurementType)

Measures and returns per-instrument per-channel results.


Measures the current on the target pin(s) and returns a pin- and site-aware data object.


Measures the voltage on the target pin(s) and returns a pin- and site-aware data object.

SelectDigital(DigitalSessionsBundle, double?)

Sets the Selected Function mode to Digital, such that the pattern sequencer controls the specified pin(s).

SelectPPMU(DigitalSessionsBundle, double?)

Sets the Selected Function mode to PPMU, such that the PPMU controls the specified pin(s) and connects the PPMU. The pin driver is in a non-drive state, and the active load is disabled.

TurnOffOutput(DigitalSessionsBundle, double?)

Sets the Selected Function mode to Off to put the digital driver into a non-drive state, disables the active load, disconnects the PPMU, and closes the I/O switch connecting the instrument channel.