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Method ForceVoltageAsymmetricLimit


ForceVoltageAsymmetricLimit(DCPowerSessionsBundle, double, double, double, double?, double?, bool)

Behaves the same as the ForceVoltage() method, but as two current limit inputs for setting separate high and low current limits.

public static void ForceVoltageAsymmetricLimit(this DCPowerSessionsBundle sessionsBundle, double voltageLevel, double currentLimitHigh, double currentLimitLow, double? voltageLevelRange = null, double? currentLimitRange = null, bool waitForSourceCompletion = false)


sessionsBundle DCPowerSessionsBundle

The DCPowerSessionsBundle object.

voltageLevel double

The voltage level to force.

currentLimitHigh double

The current high limit to use.

currentLimitLow double

The current low limit to use.

voltageLevelRange double?

The voltage level range to use.

currentLimitRange double?

The current limit range to use.

waitForSourceCompletion bool

Setting this to True will wait until sourcing is complete before continuing, which includes the set amount of source delay. Otherwise, the source delay amount is not directly accounted for by this method and the WaitForEvent must be manually invoked in proceeding code.