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Method ForceCurrent


ForceCurrent(DCPowerSessionsBundle, double, double?, double?, double?, bool)

Forces current on the target pins at the specified level. Must at least provide a level value, and the method will assume all other properties that have been previously set. Optionally, can also provide a specific voltage limit, current level range, voltage limit range values directly.

public static void ForceCurrent(this DCPowerSessionsBundle sessionsBundle, double currentLevel, double? voltageLimit = null, double? currentLevelRange = null, double? voltageLimitRange = null, bool waitForSourceCompletion = false)


sessionsBundle DCPowerSessionsBundle

The DCPowerSessionsBundle object.

currentLevel double

The current level to force.

voltageLimit double?

The voltage limit to use.

currentLevelRange double?

The current level range to use.

voltageLimitRange double?

The voltage limit range to use.

waitForSourceCompletion bool

Setting this to True will wait until sourcing is complete before continuing, which includes the set amount of source delay. Otherwise, the source delay amount is not directly accounted for by this method and the WaitForEvent must be manually invoked in proceeding code.

ForceCurrent(DCPowerSessionsBundle, IDictionary<string, DCPowerSourceSettings>, bool)

Forces current and specifies symmetric voltage limits.

public static void ForceCurrent(this DCPowerSessionsBundle sessionsBundle, IDictionary<string, DCPowerSourceSettings> settings, bool waitForSourceCompletion = false)


sessionsBundle DCPowerSessionsBundle

The DCPowerSessionsBundle object.

settings IDictionary<string, DCPowerSourceSettings>

The per-pin settings to use.

waitForSourceCompletion bool

Setting this to True will wait until sourcing is complete before continuing, which includes the set amount of source delay. Otherwise, the source delay amount is not directly accounted for by this method and the WaitForEvent must be manually invoked in proceeding code.