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Method SetupNIDCPowerInstrumentation


SetupNIDCPowerInstrumentation(ISemiconductorModuleContext, bool, double, DCPowerMeasureApertureTimeUnits, DCPowerMeasurementWhen, DCPowerMeasurementSense, double, double)

Initializes the NI DCPower instrument sessions associated with the pin map. If the resetDevice input is set to True, then the instrument will be reset as the session is initialized (default = False). If the sourceDelay is set to -1 the method will not set the source delay property, and will assume the initialized default value from the driver, which is expected to be the inverse of the power line frequency. If the powerLineFrequency is set to -1, the method will attempt to automatically determine the power line frequency and set the power line frequency property for the respective driver sessions. If the power line frequency cannot be determined, the property will not be set and the driver will use the default value of this property (60 Hz). This is currently only supported by systems that use a PXIe-109x chassis or newer.

public static void SetupNIDCPowerInstrumentation(ISemiconductorModuleContext tsmContext, bool resetDevice = false, double apertureTime = 1, DCPowerMeasureApertureTimeUnits apertureTimeUnits = DCPowerMeasureApertureTimeUnits.PowerLineCycles, DCPowerMeasurementWhen measureWhen = DCPowerMeasurementWhen.OnDemand, DCPowerMeasurementSense measurementSense = DCPowerMeasurementSense.Remote, double sourceDelay = -1, double powerLineFrequency = -1)


tsmContext ISemiconductorModuleContext

The NationalInstruments.TestStand.SemiconductorModule.CodeModuleAPI.ISemiconductorModuleContext object.

resetDevice bool

Whether to reset device during initialization.

apertureTime double

The aperture time.

apertureTimeUnits DCPowerMeasureApertureTimeUnits

The aperture time units.

measureWhen DCPowerMeasurementWhen

When to do measurement.

measurementSense DCPowerMeasurementSense

The measurement sense to use.

sourceDelay double

The source delay in seconds.

powerLineFrequency double

The power line frequency.