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Method DutPowerDown


DutPowerDown(ISemiconductorModuleContext, string[], double, bool, bool)

Forces DC voltage to Zero on the specified DUT supply pins. If the powerDownSuppliesSerially Boolean is set to True, the DUT supplies will be powered down sequentially in the order provided, and the settlingTime input will be used after power down each pin. If forceLowestCurrentLimit is set to false, the dutSupplyPinsOrPinGroups will be configured to force 0V at the currently programmed current limit and range, which may not be desirable. Otherwise, it will default to true, which will ensure the pins are configured to force 0V at the lowest possible current limit to mimic high-impedance. The actual current limit selected is dependent on the mapped hardware channel. Both DCPower and Digital PPMU pins are supported.

public static void DutPowerDown(ISemiconductorModuleContext tsmContext, string[] dutSupplyPinsOrPinGroups, double settlingTime = 0, bool powerDownSuppliesSerially = false, bool forceLowestCurrentLimit = true)


tsmContext ISemiconductorModuleContext

The NationalInstruments.TestStand.SemiconductorModule.CodeModuleAPI.ISemiconductorModuleContext object.

dutSupplyPinsOrPinGroups string[]

The DUT supply pins or pin groups.

settlingTime double

The amount of time to wait before continuing, in seconds.

powerDownSuppliesSerially bool

Whether to power down DUT supplies sequentially.

forceLowestCurrentLimit bool

Whether to force lowest current limit (100nA) for safety considerations.