To use these colors, you will need to make sure that your XAML file has a direct or indirect references to Colors.xaml.
Editor colors
This list contains the primary colors used throughout NI software interfaces.
Name | Example | Value |
NIBlueBrush | #065FA3 | |
NIHighlightBrush | #4386B9 | |
NIBlueMediumAccentBrush | #4386B9 | |
NIBlueAccentBrush | #82A3D1 | |
NIHighlightTextBrush | #B3CDE2 | |
NIHighlightSelectedBrush | #DCE5EC | |
NITrueBlackBrush | #000000 | |
NIBlackBrush | #2B3033 | |
NIGrayCool36Brush | #4D5359 | |
NIMediumGrayBrush | #575757 | |
NIIconGrayBrush | #696E73 | |
NIGrayBrush | #777B80 | |
NIDropDownGrayBrush | #82878C | |
NIGrayNeutral68Brush | #A9ACAF | |
NIBackDropGrayBrush | #B1B4B6 | |
NIGrayCool81Brush | #C7CCD0 | |
NIGrayCool88Brush | #D9DEE1 | |
NIGrayCool90Brush | #DDE2E6 | |
NIBackgroundBrush | #E0E0E0 | |
NIWhiteBrush | #EBEBEB | |
NIGrayCool92Brush | #E9EBEC | |
NIGrayCool94Brush | #EEF0EF | |
NIWhiteBlueBrush | #EBF0F5 | |
NICoolWhiteBrush | #F7F7F7 | |
NICoolBlue98Brush | #F9FAFC | |
NITrueWhiteBrush | #FFFFFF | |
NIErrorBrush | #C42126 | |
NIWarningBrush | #FF8900 | |
NISuccessBrush | #20B25B | |
NIProbeBrush | #006A93 | |
NIGuidelineBrush | #FC9500 | |
NIButtonFillBrush | #E9EBEC (Offset: 0%) #D9DEE1 (Offset: 40%) |
Editor colors implementation example
To use the colors in a XAML file, reference the resource dictionary and use the names of the colors.
<!--Reference Colors.xaml as a resource dictionary -->
<ResourceDictionary Source="/NationalInstruments.Core;component/Themes/Colors.xaml" />
<!--After that, you can use the colors by name -->
Fill="{StaticResource NIHighlightBrush}"
Data type colors
Data type colors are defined in PlatformFramework\SourceModel\StockTypeAssets.cs as part of the public static class StockTypeAssets
Name | Example | Value | Number Double |
FloatAndDoubleNumericTypeColor | #F59433 | |
FloatAndDoubleNumericTypeColorSecondary | #FBE4CF | |
Number Integer | ||
IntegerNumericTypeColor | #4192F6 | |
IntegerNumericTypeColorSecondary | #D0E3FB | |
Number Fixed Point | ||
FixedPointNumericTypeColor | #614CCB | |
FixedPointNumericTypeColorSecondary | #D7D3F1 | |
Error | ||
ErrorClusterTypeColor | #A0A017 | |
ErrorClusterTypeColorSecondary | #D0D094 | |
Timestamp, Waveform, Numeric Cluster | ||
BuiltInClusterTypeColor | #77381A | |
BuiltInClusterTypeColorSecondary | #DDCDC5 | |
Boolean | ||
BooleanTypeColor | #0D770D | |
BooleanTypeColorSecondary | #C4DCC5 | |
Reference, Path | ||
ReferenceAndPathTypeColor | #0EC0C2 | |
ReferenceAndPathTypeColorSecondary | #C8EFEF | |
IO Name Control | ||
IONameControlTypeColor | #AD1CB6 | |
IONameControlTypeColorSecondary | #E9C9EB | |
String, Cluster | ||
ClusterAndStringTypeColor | #F017F0 | |
ClusterAndStringTypeColorSecondary | #FACBFA | |
LabVIEW Object | ||
LabVIEWObjectTypeColor | #E33067 | |
LabVIEWObjectTypeColorSecondary | #F097B2 | |
Last updated on July 11, 2017